Sunday, October 25, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 9

This week went pretty well! It has been one of the best weeks I have had in college just because of the good times I had with friends and the easier workload that I had. Also, I got to miss classes all day on Thursday (an actual viable excuse) because I had a job interview in Houston, Texas. It was an incredible experience and I am so thankful that I was chosen as a candidate whether I get the position or not in the end.

When I was in Houston, I was able to meet up with some of my older sister's friends who live in the area who were nice enough to take me out to dinner for the evening. We got to catch up and share stories and it was exactly what I needed to settle some of my pre-interview nerves!

I was also thrilled because I was able to attend the Texas Tech (homecoming) game this week, which is the one game I have wanted to go to all year! I did not think I was going to be able to go originally because of my job interview in Houston, so I sold my ticket. Right after I promised my ticket to someone, I found out that I actually could go. So after some scrambling, I got a ticket from a friend (for free!) and I was able to go to the game!

Now, I am having to play catch up since I basically took a break from school from now until Thursday. I am rushing to finish all of the extra credit assignments for Indian Epics and I am hoping to finish it all tonight, so I will not have a hard time completing them before the deadline tomorrow at noon! Sorry Laura! I will be so much better next week about finishing my work on time!

(Personal photo from my trip to Houston this weekend)

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