Sunday, October 11, 2015

Famous Last Words: Week 7

This week was very hectic for me in the middle of the week. I have been preparing for three midterms coming up this next week and I had a very important interview with a potential company in Dallas for the summer. The internship would be a dream for me because I absolutely loved the company and the people that I met that worked for the company. I will find out this next week if I advanced to the second round of the interviewing process and I am much more nervous than I thought I would be in the beginning.

This next week will be very busy for me as I have three upcoming midterms. I am thankful that in Indian Epics, we never take tests because testing gives me very bad anxiety and makes me anxious. As I had to study all weekend for these midterms, I was unable to go home to Dallas for OU/Texas. That being said, I am glad I did not go home because of our disappointing loss yesterday and because I got the chance to experience Norman in a whole new quiet light this weekend. Only one of my three roommates stayed and we got to hang out all weekend along with being dedicated to our studies for the upcoming weeks. I also pulled a couple extra shifts at my job this weekend in order to cover for people so they could attend the game on Saturday. I like going to campus when no one is in town because it seems very quiet and serene. It was a nice change of pace from the norm.

This upcoming week will be more hectic than last week and I do not know how I will be able to handle it yet. For now, it is a lot of being studious and diligent with keeping my planner in sync with my crazy life that seems to change from minute-to-minute!

(Image Source: Hectic Gif Images from Gif Gallery)

1 comment:

  1. I so know the feeling with multiple tests in a week. I bought an OU-TX ticket originally, but ended up selling it, and I'm really glad I did with that awful loss! I ended up going home instead, but had to study for a good portion of my time. OU when most of the students are gone is actually one of my favorite things--the summer after freshman year, I took a class here and loved having the place to myself. Good luck with the upcoming week!


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