Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Introduction to Myself

My name is Hannah Spates and I am an Accounting major at the University of Oklahoma. I am from the Dallas/Ft. Worth area of Texas. I serve as an officer for my sorority, Sigma Phi Lambda, and I love to hammock, bake, read, watch TV, sit outside with friends, and many more things. I am also very involved with Summit Church in Newcastle, OK.

Some of the classes that I am taking this fall include: Accounting Info Systems, Business Finance, and Intermediate Accounting (I know, it's all very thrilling. What can I say?) I am a Junior right now, but I am hoping to graduate early, maybe even this next May! Even though I am an accounting major, I do not actually want to be an accountant (believe it or not)! My dream is to graduate from OU and then return to Dallas (where I am from) and attend a university there where I can get my Master's degree in Human Resources. From there, I want to work for a company in their Human Resources department interacting with all of the employees for years to come! We will see where this crazy life takes me next!

Some fun facts about me:

Favorite Movie: The Prestige, The Dark Knight, or Interstellar (I obviously like Christopher Nolan)

Favorite Book: The Count of Monte Cristo by Alexander Dumas

Favorite Music Genre: Indie Rock or Indie Pop (I don't really have a favorite artist)

Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough or Cookies 'N Cream (has to be Blue Bell, no contest)

Favorite Food: (besides ice cream) My mom's homemade chicken pot pie

This summer, I basically vacationed the whole three months that I was away from OU. I started out by studying abroad in Vichy, France, and while I was in Europe, I visited places like Barcelona, Spain, Gimmelwald, Switzerland, Florence, Italy, and Rome. It truly was an incredible experience and I would very much like to do it again! When I got home from Europe, I  went to Orlando, Florida, in order to visit the oh-so-famous Walt Disney World. Then, we went to Destin, Florida, to spend some time on the beach. I spent the rest of my summer hanging out with my family, watching TV, and playing Xbox. I was completely unproductive, but it was relaxing and fun all the same.

(Photo by: Hannah Spates)


  1. Oh my gosh, WHAT A SUMMER, Hannah! I really enjoyed my summer too, but it was kind of the opposite of vacationing, since I was just busy busy busy with the Indian Epics class... and I still didn't even get half of the stuff done I would have wanted to if we had had a nice SIX-MONTH-LONG summer. That would have suited me just fine! Anyway, I hope this class can be a good addition to your roster of accounting and business classes. It will definitely be different! And listen, there is a wonderful author (several of his books are on the reading options list for class), Devdutt Pattanaik, who does "Business Sutra" where he applies the messages of ancient Indian stories to the modern business world. I'll be sharing some of his videos in class; you might enjoy looking at one now! The Indian approach to business: Devdutt Pattanaik TEDt talk (Devdutt is such a hero of mine... and he has lots of books AND lots of videos online!)

    And I have to ask: who is the cutie in your arms there in the picture...? Adorable!

  2. Hey Hannah!

    That's really cool that you're an officer of your sorority. All of my roommates are actually in Sigma Phi Lambda -- maybe you know them. The Count of Monte Cristo is actually one of my favorite books as well! It is just so well written and a beautiful story about triumph, adventure, and forgiveness. Indie Pop and Indie Rock are also my favorite genre of music as well. I don't know many people who like Indie music. You sound like someone who really enjoys traveling. I love traveling as well. I've studied abroad in Ireland, Belgium, and London and been to places like Hawaii, Bahamas, and Virgin Islands. I hope to do some more traveling in the new future!

  3. Wow, Hannah, your summer sounds amazing. I studied abroad a couple years back and was in Oxford for three weeks, and supplemented the trip with a few days in Paris in London as well. All of the places you listed sound wonderful, especially Disney World! I can't wait until I can get back to Europe and spend some more time traveling. Also- that picture is adorable. The puppy and the hat make it!

  4. After reading about your summer, I was so jealous. It is so cool that you got to go to a lot of different countries. For my summer I basically took summer classes. Studying abroad was one of my dreams when I came in to OU. However, sadly that did not occur. I am glad you got to experience that. Bluebell cookies and cream is also one of my favorite ice cream.

  5. I just got back from Europe this summer, also! I went to Italy and Spain. I would have loved to have visited France (however, my parents were terrified to let me go because I planned a train ride to France for the weekend the terrorist event in Southern France occurred.) I loved studying Vichy, France in school. Did you get to drink out of the natural spring waters? Also, was there anything mentioning it being the head of Nazi-occupied France? Sorry for so many questions, learning about France is just my passion! Also, good choice for your favorite ice cream.

  6. See, you say I sound like the coolest person, but I seriously cannot compete with YOU! Your summer sounded like it was the best. Super jealous, but one day I do hope to visit those places. It sounds like a magical time.
    Plus, there is nothing wrong with being unproductive and relaxing, If you ask me that is the best part of being on vacation! Plus, you have the exact same taste is ice cream as me, which is funny, because I am also very partial to Blue Bell, and you don't know how much I need those frozen containers of happiness to return to the shelves of my local store.

    You'll see, if you set your mind to it you'll graduate early! I'm sure you're gonna do great things chick!

  7. Okay first off, that puppy is so adorable! Is it yours and what's it's name?

    Your summer sounds unbelievable! I'm hoping to visit France soon, because I'm minoring in French. Plus, I definitely would not say your summer was unproductive. It seems impossible to visit that many amazing places and not learn a little something! Hopefully you'll be able to graduate early and get a head start on you graduate work! You seem like a very driven person, so I'm sure you'll succeed.

  8. Hey Hannah! Your summer sounded incredible! I can only imagine all the delicious food you got to try along with the amazing places that you got to visit and see. Christopher Nolan is brilliant! He has such a talent for writing these grandiose stories with characters that are just as complex. I sometimes feel like in movies it’s a tradeoff for one or the other, but not with him. I hope accounting treats you well and you enjoy the rest of the fall semester.

  9. Wow Hannah, You're so lucky!! It sounds like you had an absolutely unforgettable summer! I got to study in Europe ( and also made it to Barcelona, Florence, and Rome!) during my junior year and it was amazing. It sounds like you're in a full course load with all of your accounting classes, so I hope this class is a good change of pace!

  10. That's incredible that you got to travel to all of those places! I got the opportunity to go Belize this summer. Where was one of your favorite places out of all of them? Say you got a plane ticket tomorrow and had the chance to go back where would it be? What culture impacted you the most?

  11. Hi Hannah! I am Hayley! I am also a Senior and I am currently inactive in Phi Lamb, but it is nice to meet a fellow sister! I'm from Decatur, so north of the DFW area. It sounds like you had a very exciting summer! I am actually kind of jealous! I hope you had some wonderful trips. Also I really like the picture you have! That dog is so stinking cute! I love dogs.

  12. Hey Hannah, nice to meet you! I'll let you know that I'm very jealous that you're from Dallas, I went on vacation there this last summer to meet my boyfriends family and I loved the area!! I'm also very jealous that you were able to vacation the entire summer, I haven't had a free summer since I was 16! I would love to see all those places that you visited, it sounds amazing!

  13. Hello Hannah!!!
    One thing that we both did this summer was visit Disney World. My boyfriends dad coaches a summer junior track team and this past summer nationals were in Florida. So I decided to bring my mom and my sister along, and it turned into a family trip. We went to Disney World, Universal Studios, Jacksonville Beach, and also a lot of shopping and eating out.


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